Nathalie Trenker
The post-partum impact on my hair
Pregnancy comes with its upheavals, and so does the post-partum period. These include significant hormonal hair loss, which affects many women a few months after giving birth. Nathalie Trenker, Product Manager at Trenker Pharmaceutical Laboratories, shares her recent experience.
“I gave birth and I lost my hair!” You must have heard one of your acquaintances complain about losing their hair after giving birth. And honestly, you don’t really believe it until it happens to you.
Around a year ago, I was delighted to find out I was going to be a mum. I had a new role and only one wish: for it to be nine months later and to meet my little boy.
During the pregnancy, I was told that the rise in oestrogen levels would give me a lion’s mane, but I didn’t really notice any changes. So why worry about what would happen next?
The birth went very well. To our greatest joy, we welcomed Arthur: a healthy little bundle weighing 3.8 kg and measuring 52 centimetres long. In the days that followed, I took to my new role as a mum like a duck to water.
« I gave birth and I lost my hair ! ».
Three months later…
I now understand why this much-discussed ‘post-partum’ period is still quite an unknown and uncertain time for future mums. I experienced weeks of hormonal, physical, and psychological upheavals that shook us to the core.
And then one day…
When I was washing my hair, I found an enormous clump in my fingers! Shocked, disturbed, and confused, it took me a few minutes to understand that I’d entered the notorious phase of hair loss after pregnancy.
This is known as post-partum alopecia. It’s a completely normal phenomenon caused by the sudden drop in pregnancy hormones, the oestrogens that help the hair grow by extending the growth phase. As a new mum, this recent, massive loss of hair was exacerbated by my fatigue, stress, different pace of life, and new responsibilities.
However, I knew that I didn’t need to worry because I’d read that this hair loss is both temporary and reversible1.

However, I knew that I didn’t need to worry because I’d read that this hair loss is both temporary and reversible1.
My advice after giving birth
- Keep an eye on the condition and changes to your hair three months after the birth.
- Choose your hair care products carefully and adopt the right habits to protect your scalp.
- Choose Alline procap, a pure and natural keratin-based food supplement with vitamins and minerals that will boost the volume and shine of your hair, which is damaged after giving birth.
After taking 2 capsules of Alline procap a day for 1 month and a half, I’m already noticing less hair loss!